I'm going to get straight to the point. Our film is progressing fairly well. We have all of the music loaded into iMovie and our rough cut finished, as well as all the footage we need. The only problem is that it's about 45 seconds too long, so we definitely need to cut it down. We haven't had any notable challenges, or any out-of-the-ordinary successes. I think that we're getting work done, but there's still a lot to do.
This week, I went in after school and finished the rough cut. I also helped to adjust the music that we already have in the movie and helped add the appropriate effects.
For this upcoming week, we need to finish fine-tuning everything and add in the voiceovers. I think we definitely will be able to get that done and I hope to get an A (or B) so that we can show it at CAP Hollywood, which I'm pretty excited about.
And just to entertain you a bit, here's the song that inspired our film and which we're using in it.