Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Brief and Very Acedemic Update

We've been really busy in media these last couple of weeks. So here's a brief rundown of two projects that we've done!

 First, we worked on our dystoipian trailers, which we just finished. As I mentioned before, our group's trailer was called "Barcode". A full summary for it is here under The word Barcode. It also has a link to the video, but I'll embed it in this post a the end as well.

This was a pretty fun project. I had a lot of fun filming, making props, and acting. I got to make the really creepy masks that we used. We got some strange looks, but they turned out awesome. There were a few roadbumps along the process. For one thing, we were going to film at the Silver Spring library, but the librarian at the front desk told us that we couldn't film in a government building. This turned out to be false, but we found another place where we could film that actually turned out better.

Another problem was that my group's schedules were really uncooperative. We only got in one or two filming sessions together, so we had to film some of it by ourselves. This turned out fine as well.

Actually, we had a lot of little problems with music, clips, and voice overs, but we managed to pull together and really do a good job. I'm proud of it.

After the trailers, we were assigned a quick independent video assignment called Capture the Fall. We had to edit together at least 10 clips and use transitions and music to create a film about what the fall means to us. I decided to  make mine have a story. I was just going to film my sister raking a bunch of leaves and then jumping into them, but then she started to dance around, and I decided to use that in my project. She did really well, skipping and waltzing around, and I got it all on camera.

The movie was essentially about a little girl who goes outside and spends a really long time raking leaves, which is just as fun as actually jumping in them. 

The only problem was that we decided to film this at around 5 or 5:30, and after a little bit, the sun started to go down. At first, it was okay, but the last few shots are in complete darkness, except for one lone lamppost. But that was okay too, because the early nights are another of my favorite parts of fall (along with leaves, of course) and it also sort of made it seem that my sister had been raking leaves for a comically long time.

 I used my little point and shoot digital camera for this project, an iMovie to edit. At first, when I edited everything together, the time was about 2 minutes and 50 seconds. I edited it down to a minute, but when I added in the transitions, it messed up the lengths a little. Now, it's more or less a minute (plus title and credit slides).

The music that I used I got off of I think it makes the video more light and playful.

Overall, this was also a fun project. I would have changed my shooting time, but otherwise, it went well.

Barcode trailer

Capture the Fall

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