Monday, October 1, 2012


Is the name of my group's dystopian trailer!!!!

Yeah, I know, we're really cool. And by we, I mean Samantha, Martha, Milena and I. On a completely unrelated note, I learned how to link text! Pretty cool, huh? I think it adds infinite meaning to this post.

What? Oh, right, the assignment!

Our dystopian trailer is called Barcode, and it's about a society where people have to wear paper bags over their heads and use pre-written cards to communicate so that they can all be equal and they can't express themselves. They also wear earpieces so that they can't hear anything except their leader's voice. Their names are barcodes, which further limits any inkling of individuality. Hence the title. Yup.  I can hear you thinking, "Of course, Sarah. You are brilliant!" Yeah, that's right. I can hear your thoughts. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Sorry, everyone, I'm feeling exceptionally schizophrenic today. I should know better, especially now that actual people are reading these blogs. So hello to all my new and adoring fans! Congratulations for finding this blog!  I'm sure reading it was a constructive use of your time.

But again, I digress.

I'm in charge of scriptwrting, which is going okay. We're using dramatic text slides and actual scenes from the movie to tell the story, so no voiceover. We have the concept and the characters down, but our main problem is the plot. We know we want the main character to somehow try to overthrow the government and take a stand, but what we have so far is sort of similar to a lot dystopian movies and pretty generic.

So far, we have seventeen scenes. The scenes at the beginning are pretty short and layered on top of eachother, but as the action gets more intense, the scenes are longer and more complete. It starts out more or less a montage of the premise of our society, and then shows longer scenes of the catylist and main rising events. Towards the end, the story switches between the protagonist trying to infiltrate the leader's office and her trying to take over the broadcasting system so she can contact the general public. The final scene shows her taking off her mask in between shots of the crowd, of the leader, of her enjoying being individual, etc.

The script is still subject to change, if we hit a problem during production or if it's not clear, but this is what we have now. I'm really excited about production, because I'm going to be the main protagonist and it'll be fun to act that out. My only fear is that we won't have enough time to finish shooting, but I think we'll pull through. This is CAP, after all.

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